About Us
The goals of EMPOWERED GIRLS OF NORTH CAROLINA include the following:
Provide A Sense of Purpose. Both academically and personally, instilling a sense of purpose is the hallmark of our work with girls and young women. We stress that leadership, whether in athletics, academics or in community service is to make a thoughtful decision – then move forward. From purpose springs direction, goals and the motivation to see those goals to fruition.
Provide an Atmosphere of Diversity. Diversity of people, of cultures, of body and learning types. Diversity fosters a spirit of inquiry, problem solving, acceptance of differences, creativity, ingenuity and love of learning. Our staff and volunteers provide an environment in which girls are encouraged to form and express opinions and beliefs. We encourage girls not only to push toward new frontiers, but also to challenge boundaries that could limit their success as women and as citizens.
Provide Life Skills. We teach skills that allow the girls to approach problems and challenges in a positive and affirming way. We go beyond self-esteem building to skill building so that girls can find a sense of worth through their accomplishments.
While the organizational name has changed over the years, two things remain consistent, the mission of our non-profit to serve and empower girls in the community and the passion of our Executive Director, Mrs Brenda Mewborn.
Serving girls since 2000!
Our Board
Interested in open board positions?
Take a look at our Board Prospectus:
Contact us! 336.790.2763 or email us at board@empoweredgirlsnc.org
Our Board is made up of hard-working individuals working together for a common goal. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.
- Board Chair: Monica Brunache : brunache.me@gmail.com
- Executive Director: Brenda Mewborn: bgm@empoweredgirlsnc.org
- STEAM Committee: - Alana Martin
- STEAM Committee: - Kendra Leftwich
- Board Recruitment Officer: Kimberly Anderson
- Programs - Chandra Perry
- Programs - April Davis
- Marketing: Kennette Burgess /Shondale Clark